

My Three Girls
My three little girls
You are my world

When I feel weak
Y’all give me strength

All I ask is for you to please
Open y'all's beautiful eyes so you can see

That I am your Mother
As y’all are my thunder

That gives my life color
That feels sweet like summer

I want us to recover
I love y’all like no other

Yes, I made mistakes
But, My love for y’all was never fake

My heart is full of aches
That is so hard to shake

I have been fixing me
So for now on I will always be

The mom that my three daughters deserve
I am so ready for y’alls love to return

For us to be a family
Please oh Please

Don’t give up on me
I miss you three

Y’alls Laugh, Smile even when I’m a referee
Of y’all three fighting when y’all disagree

I’m down on my two knees
Asking for a plea

Please oh Please
Love me you three

So we can be happy and a family
This agony is killing me

For my three little girls
Who I love and adore

Please give me one chance
Just one chance more