

The Loveliness Flow

Behold how astonishing,
and astounding is the display,
Such an attraction that captivates,
and takes my breath away.

For a delightful version of beauty,
in a spoonful of grace,
I find to be so fascinating,
and delicious for the viewers of taste.

Because there's an interwoven,
uniqueness ingrafted in,
So that at each seam of the pattern,
I discover a delicatessen.

For in framework and design,
there's a togetherness to disperse,
And in the pageantry of decision,
hands down the vote is first.

For there's no reason in seclusion,
although I find despair,
Because I am seductively taken in,
and in selfishness I refuse to share.

For to me it's like finding gold,
at the Rainbows End,
Without a Leprechaun / a 3 wish Genie,
to provide me with such a send.

Because when it came to be,
and I saw the sight thereof,
My heart became overwhelmed,
for therein I found my love.

And like a left & right shoe,
that's sized according to distinction,
I know that this is one of a kind,
and should be protected against extinction.

For I feel there's no other,
that emits such an aroma,
And by virtue of just being near,
awakes a sleeping giant from a coma.

So I am in this illumination,
with no desire to leave or go,
Because I am thoroughly fulfilled,
being caught up in this Loveliness Flow.

Inspired by: Mrs. Jasmine Staten

© Kevin McCray