

Restless spirit of frenzy emotions!
Outside, the wind is like a restless spirit,
howling through the trees,
shaking everything in its path.
It mirrors the turmoil inside me,
a storm of emotions swirling endlessly.
The rain joins in, a steady drumbeat,
pounding against the windowpanes,
washing away the dust of the day,
just like tears cleanse the soul.
I watch as leaves are torn from their branches,
scattered like my scattered thoughts.
I feel lost in the storm.
I close my eyes and listen,
letting the sound of the rain and wind
wash over me like a soothing balm.
In their symphony of chaos,
I find a strange comfort,
a reminder that I'm not alone,
that there's beauty in the tumultuous dance of life.
There's a strange calm,
a sense of surrender to the elements,
finding peace in the midst of the storm,
knowing that even this shall pass.

© Inaya

#WritcoQuote #writco #writcoapp #inspirational #rain #Love&love #lifestyle #philosophy