

is it time to go
I feel my heart is wrenching and ask myself is it all worth it? The pain... the crying... the anguish...If I wake up tomorrow, and be not dead,
But don't wanna wake up, thoughts fill my head.
A world so heavy, burdens on my chest,
Lingering darkness, my heart feels oppressed.

In the morning light, my eyes open wide,
Yet deep down inside, I long to hide.
If life feels like a burden hard to bear,
Can I escape the tangles of despair?

Through troubled dreams and restless nights I roam,
Seeking solace, a place I can call home.
But in this vast maze of uncertainty,
I yearn for an end to this adversity.

If I wake up tomorrow, and still feel pain,
Can I find a way to break free of this chain?
To see the colors that were once so bright,
And find moments of joy, like stars in the night.

For life's a tapestry, woven with care,
Both darkness and light, emotions we share.
So even though waking can be a chore,
Life still holds treasures worth living for.

If I wake up tomorrow, with hope in sight,
I'll rise above, and embrace what is right.
In the gentle whispers of nature's song,
I'll find the strength to carry on.

For waking's a gift, a chance to explore,
To rise above sorrow, to love evermore.
So let's greet each morning with courage and zest,
For in waking lies life's eternal quest.
© darkviolet - Dental