

It was like yesterday
when our soul were young
as youthness ignited the flame
rooted deep in our soul
as we withheld kindred heart
innocent minds
dancing eyes
young dreams
pouring our heart out
to the sound of laughter
a beautiful embrace
to the crackle of firewood
loosing our minds
while dancing in the rain
feeling heavy breeze
just beneath our skins
as we watch the Waves
becoming part of an ocean
beauty and wonder
seeing nature taking it course
inhaling the perfume scents
of blooming flowers
seizing the moment
with a click of a camera
deep in our heart
cherished everyday
as thought tomorrow will never come,
like today is all we have
yet time has it own rule
when its gone
it surely goes for good
a realization
our journey resembles a Kendal
each moment passing by
took a piece of it
residing to moments
of each image becoming glitchy
old photos fading with time
each good feeling
was ought to depart
as I take a deep breathe
of what is left
a flame is blown out
as voidness echoed harder
as tear drops run deep

© mariahashei