

Clarity in the Mist
Like the dissipating fog, you become clearer
As the day begins, and the sun draws nearer
Through the darkness and the haze
You emerge, shining like a blaze

Your light illuminates the path ahead
Guiding us through the uncertain dread
In your presence, we find peace
And our worries and fears decrease

With each passing day, you grow stronger
Your voice louder, your purpose clearer
Like a beacon in the night
You fill our hearts with delight

In your presence, we find solace
A refuge from the world's malice
You inspire us to be our best
To rise above the rest

With your wisdom and your grace
We find our place
In this chaotic world
Your guidance unfurled

So we thank you for being our guide
For being there by our side
Like the dissipating fog, you become clearer
And we are grateful for having you near.

© Jovan_love