

It was a sunny afternoon, Baba Alake was just returning from the farm empty handed with no money and no hope of what to eat for the afternoon.
He could feel the pangs of hunger, even his ears were ringing of hunger just as his intestine were rumbling loudly to tell Baba Alake that they needed to be fed.
On getting home, "Iya Alake was no where to be found. He ransacked the whole house for food but could not find any except a little quantity of cassava flakes which can not satisfy the pangs of hunger he was feeling.
So, He sat down on his favourite rocking chair right in front of his house thinking of what to do to surmount the hunger he has being feeling. As he was doing that, deeply lost in his thought he drifted into the dream land and right in front of him was plate of a sumptuous meal; "efo elemi meje" to be precised with various assorted playing and catching cruise within it right beside this soup was a well pounded yam with a bottle of cold drink to wash it down.
As he saw this total package, He smiled,his eyes popped out of its socket and he could feel his intestines jumping with joy as they are being filled with various butterflies due to the sight of the sumptuous meal.
As he was about to take a morsel he could hear faintly someone calling his name Baba Alake! Baba Alake!! Baba Alake!!! The young boy gently tapped him as he was calling his name.
He woke up to reality looking all angry.
He said to the boy; "What do you want ( in an angry tone)".
In fear the boy replied,"Baba Alake I came to inform you that your Goat; "Alalake" has knocked off another goat in the village square of which the owner is ready to kill your goat.
In annoyance, Baba Alake stood up and stumbled out heading straight to the market square. On getting to the market square, he could see his goat Alalake in the hands of the angry man. He begged the man and in annoyance he kicked the goat off its feet. He took a rope, wrapped it around the goat and drags it along the earthly ground as he walks back home in annoyance.
On getting home," he brought out his two edged knife and slaughtered the goat in annoyance".On slaughtering the goat, his anger subsided just like water being poured on coal embers and he could now realised that the goat he has just killed was pregnant. He could remember how he had planned to sell the young kids being bore by the goat to make some cash to stock his house with various foodstuffs that will last his household for a while.
But, Alas!Here he is with the dead goat he killed out of annoyance and also own intestines crying and rumbling of hunger.

© Asiat Adeleke