

almost three years wasted. at any time you could have been honest. honest with me, her, your family, yourself. this could have been beautiful, magical, spiritual. you saw the signs and synchronicities, you heard spirit tell you. I saw the signs as well. just chose to ignore them. gave you Chance after chance, keeping faith that you would come around, wake up. you never intended for this to go anywhere. you lied, cheated, used me, lead me on. hid an entire life and family from me, or so you thought you did. I knew, spirit showed me. just couldn't prove it. then your mask fell off and I met the real you. I felt your hatred towards me with every punch to the head. as they got harder you got louder blaming me for everything wrong in your life. all I did was love you. unconditionally. you never loved me, never even cared at all. the truth would have set you free. but you chose otherwise. Goodbye 🫂
© Jeri N Cadwell