

One morning, just like the other morning.
A boring one, sure, it is always boring.
I woke up, not remembering my last night dreams.
My eyes open, only my body freeze.
Like a cold body in the coffin, I guess.
My eyes stuck staring on the old lamp.
Like in trance, I spent probably 10 minutes.
Before, the baby in the house cried.
The sound breaking me into a reality.
A question pop in my mind like a notification,
Asking me what's day today...
Which, I forgot.
So, I just get up... Doing my morning routines.
A cup of coffee to fuel my days.
A breakfast prepared by my mom.

My mom, sometimes told me to go out.
To get some air according to her.
Once, I threw tantrums like a 5 years old.
Because my mom agreed on behalf me,
To accompany my cousin to go outside.
I don't want to go outside.
Not because I am moody.
Or having a problem.
Perhaps, I do have a problem,
It is only that I am what the world label Introvert.

My sister said I self diagnosis myself too much,
But I know, from within, I am an Introvert.
Well, I did some quiz on Google, to determine.
The results always says I'm an INFJ.
The silence is always the best company.

My mom thought I need a friend,
But she didn't know, being a loner,
Already made me happy.
I have friends.
They are good.
Only that my life is okay with a little bit of silence.
It's like the sweetest company, better than a talking figure.
It is the comfort that I long for when I go outside.
I'm humming to the melody of my silence,
And people started to say,
A blaze of fun will help to boost you,
They drag me into the noisy cubicle.
Filled with loud thunder & smelly loo.
All I want was them to finish the tower.

So, I can run into my realm.
I don't mind waking up boring.
I don't mind walking alone.
For silence is a warmth friends'.

© vardeloy