

Watch and Wave
There was a girl,
Her name’s Maureen
She flew to a vacant sky
She lived a life,
That was obscene,
Watch and wave as she flies by

When she was young,
She fell in love
And she flew to a vacant sky
They played darts,
In the pub
Watch and wave as she flies by

She loved him more,
And more each day
She flew to a vacant sky
He carried her torn heart away
Watch and wave as she flies by

Maureen said she’d never leave,
And she flew to a vacant sky
In this love, she would succeed,
Watch and wave as she flies by

He was sent down for a crime,
And she flew to a vacant sky
When he disowned her,
She did cry
Watch and wave as she flies by

Second hand goods,
To the men
She flew to a vacant sky
She would never love again
Watch and wave as she flies by

She went out to the pub,
And she flew to a vacant sky
Where she gave a man a warming look
Watch and wave as she flies by

Her sisters thought she couldn’t love,
And she flew to a vacant sky
A “filthy slag” her, they did call
Watch and wave as she flies by

Harassed on the street,
And she flew to a vacant sky
By every “shit bag,” she did meet
Watch and wave as she flies by

That’s where she met a bearded man,
And she flew to a vacant sky,
Second hand? He seemed to not mind
Watch and wave as she flies by

He took her to the back of a pub,
And she flew to a vacant sky
And slapped her hard, before they made love
Watch and wave as she flies by

Two kids later, they’re still together,
But she flew to a vacant sky,
Her heart still wanders like a sailor,
Watch and wave as she flies by

He calls her every “whore,” and “slag,”
And she flew to a vacant sky,
‘Cause before him she was with another man
Watch and wave as she flies by

He says: “Maureen, you’re a whore,”
And away, she flew to a vacant sky
Maureen says: “Tell me, what I’ve not heard before,”
Watch and wave as she flies by

With anger, he raised his fist,
And she flew to a vacant sky
And with fear, she collapsed,
Watch and wave as she flies by

She went to the safety of her mother,
She flew to a vacant sky,
Her mother couldn’t didn’t help her,
Watch and wave as she flies by

Drunk, in came stumbling was her father,
She flew to a vacant sky,
He ripped the blanket right off her,
Watch and wave as she flies by

He said: “Maureen, he don’t love you,”
And she flew to a vacant sky
“How could he, when you’re a fat cunt?”
Watch and wave as she flies by

With her baby in her arms,
She flew to a vacant sky
In the rain, she walked back to her house
Watch and wave as she flies by

Some time later, ill was her father
And she flew to a vacant sky
Every day, she came to see him
Watch and wave as she flies by

Overworked, and under pressure,
She flew to a vacant sky
How she longed for someone to hold her
Watch and wave as she flies by

One day, out of the blue, to her he talked
And she flew to a vacant sky
The only one, from whom she couldn’t part
Watch and wave as she flies by

The man who loved her first,
She flew to a vacant sky
His love, to her, had been a curse
Watch and wave as she flies by

She said: “It fucking hurt, when you left,”
And she flew to a vacant sky
“My heart’s love, you did theft,”
Watch and wave as she flies by

Desperate Maureen was a mother,
She flew to a vacant sky,
And she truly loves her children
Watch and wave as she flies by

But one thing, she had been longing
She flew to a vacant sky,
Was for someone to say they love her
Watch and wave as she flies by

Her father gone and died,
She flew to a vacant sky
He let her break down and cry
Watch and wave as she flies by

At her father’s wake, a confrontation,
She flew to a vacant sky
Left our Maureen very shaken
Watch and wave as she flies by

She came out here stronger,
She is in a vacant sky
Before a lover, she is a mother