

Space of Slience
I'm a silent one in the space
Never aimed to moved a bit
Sticked to the dark corner
Folding the arms through the knees tight.
My mind pushed there
as it tired of hitting the heart
to reply the world.
I was crushed from the directions
Suffocating and breathing hard
while the wetting hand wipes sweat
Shivering body breaks the sound
You can't picture what's going in!
Besides you name me rude.
I always fail to explain ..
I had grown between four walls
Playing with the air, laughing alone
Thinking long beyond the time.
The way I lived don't suit now
I am seeing different shades
which aren't known before.
Taking decisions is new to me
Talking to people frightening me
Confusion hitting me all around.
Sensitive heart squeezing out of harshness
instead my behavior tagged as harsh
Neither I'm perfect nor I'm bad
I'm just trying to fit.
After going this long
My soul needs little space of silence
where I can breath in peace..

© Sakhi