

Seeds in waiting

Today's society is filled
With ripened and potential seeds,
Competent and legitimately willed,
But with little or no deeds.

The world seeks,
Glaringly she peeks,
But no one has adhered,
Only few seems prepared.

We are the seeds in waiting
Therefore parents, give us the spanking,
Leave not out the rattan,
So we won't go rotten.

We are seeds in waiting
We need the soil for germinating,
Give us, oh teachers the best material
For a better future.

We are seeds in waiting
But the society is dying,
Prepare us to keep it,
Show us how to tend it.

We are seeds in waiting
Some days we will make the change,
We will break the chains
But we can't do it without sprouting.

So hear us out rapists,
Leave the maidens and kids.
Hear us out ritualists,
Because God forbids.

Can't you see?
The world is gradually dying.
Can't you hear and feel?
She's in pain and crying.

We are seeds in waiting,
Prepared for sprouting,
To build the nation
And do away with corruption.

We are seeds in waiting,
Prepared for growing,
And get rid of violence,
And bring tolerance.
©Gabriel T. Saah.
Pen Name: @consequence.

© Consequence