

Daddy Mi
Daddy Mi
it's been four months
Since I saw your smile last
Three months since I felt your skin
Four months of non believe
That Daddy Mi has gone for real

Your happening
Is the greatest that will ever
Happen to me,
Some misfortunes can't be weaved
But they always be beneath yours

Daddy Mi,
I seek your face
In the frame of my imaginations
I pray for a trance,
Maybe just a vision
Your appearance in my dreams
Might just be what I need.

With faith have I done,
As a believer,
Maybe I might need a seer
Incase I get none.

Who is out there
That can't live without a Father?
Well, maybe I'm the only one.
I scream, is there someone,
Anyone, who could fill
these huge pits of my father's love?

But, I don't hear a squeak,
The world is quiet at my scream,
Daddy Mi, where are you?

© Sobobola