

"Chasing shadows"
Shasing shadows was a habit.
It became a duty for me when i lost her.
It was hard to bear,
as the deep thoughts of loneliness always left me pundering if truely she had accepted the hugs of another lover..

Her beauty was far beyond the most well grown roses.
She yearned for true love but i gave her true lust.
countless times she told me It was time to part ways.Yet i continued to chase .

Truely we were not mearnt for each other but i couldn't just grasp.
All i wanted was another chance
A chance that could rickindle the dying ember of our courtship.

Will i ever get a chance with mimi again..
while she continues to give me shallow and plain signals which represent "its over"
I could easily see this as they were always accompanied with fast palpitating heart beats; lub-dub,lub dup, lub dup...
© #keepurheadup