

Inner wars
Inner wars
Smiling but frowning on the inside
Trying to be like the rest but its not working out,
Wondering how strong other people are but you are crumbling,
Hoping that each new day comes with renewed strength,
But instead all you have are drained emotions and no one to talk to,
The fear of opening up to someone and looking weak,
The thought of placing a permanent solution to your problems seems like the easiest way,
What you do not know is that death is not a permanent solution,
But a permanent scar to all your loved ones,
Every war can be fought,
Every challenge can be overcomed,
No dark cloud lasts forever,
The sun will shine brighter one day and you will be proud of holding on,
If ever the thought of suicide comes to your mind,
Remember your purpose on earth is still unfulfilled,
#World Suicide Prevention Day#