

Turn this house into a home
I like you,
And to be honest, it's a feeling I haven't felt for the longest time
I've always been a romantic, but past experiences have changed me into a cynic
But I choose to embrace this dance in my heart, this almost foreign feeling I feel
It's easy to like you, cause I see a lot of myself in you
Easy-going, caring, introverted, humble and humorous
And being easy on the eye helps you a lot too
I know of your hurt in the past, but it shows that you know about life, and that is okay to me
Cause I'm not always filled with rainbows, and on many days, the storms in me overflow
But I know that it is the same with you too
However, I'm not afraid, cause the good will always overcome the bad
In my gloomy world, you're a bright ray of sunshine, and you make me not ever want to see winter again

I just hope that when I let you in, you'll accept and choose to stay
And help me make a home out of the house my heart has become