

never got to be a used to
sometime in life that we always go back into a come in like when you go up and you look back at all times that you share and grow and realize that things are really are real and everyone if I grew up different and I don't complain now I just look at things after they should be looked at some things are good some things are bad I mean you learn and you grow and we all just make do at work going on and you just share good times and we look back at the things that we really didn't look at wrong time long-term and it is learned that I moved in a different way than others be dead and I don't complain in the city of fort Lauderdale I can't help that I love my kids and at school pass everything that went over time and I'm just learning how to love him that's all I can do and I got in trouble you left me my dream but I look back at my neighborhood and my life my family my friends and everything else and everything now. cold and mysterious I just see things different now than I ever did I sure love to people that didn't really deserve my love and I don't know now that I've told you that I'm doing it back to myself and I just need to really grow now come on I have problems in my life but I don't blame nobody from what I dealt with God has moved through everything the way that God wanted me to do and I don't complain when I started my life over I thought it was going to be for good but it really turned out real bad and I know I lost my house at 17 to a house fire but I did not mean to lose my life in a fate that didn't care state that don't care and take things from other people I lost so much and this this place my life my heart almost my mind I couldn't believe that all these things happen to me and it was nothing good and my interest actually helpful for me I lost everything in my house my car I promise I never been homeless I never been without and always had I always work it I always just did what I have to do but it was hard but I did it I made it I look up it's pleased with me and I'm pleased with when I'm done for myself I love in January of 2024 and I seen so many things since I was the state of Augusta Georgia the witchy state I seen so many people did so many things behinds throwing rocks and hat in your hands and I know they been like and candles and everything else ain't nothing I can do about it but let God do it but it wasn't dark will be uncovered God always said that in his word will never turned away and it would never go forward but yes I would I can't forget how I will f*** her arrested in October of 2021 thanks never been the same since ever since then I've been worse to work all I want is my life pain I'm going to bed no matter what if I got to keep talking about it and about to keep preaching it keep saying it I'm going to keep on doing it Selena Ellison do not belong to Georgia he belong to the State of Florida not Georgia and guess what she wants her life back and she will only now want at all price
© Selena Ellison