

Our True Content
In a world of chaos and strife, Where connections often fade, There lies a treasure, a precious gift, That should never be betrayed.Valuing relationships, we find, Is the key to a life well-lived, For in the bonds we form and bind, Our souls are truly enriched.Through laughter and tears, we navigate, The ups and downs that come our way, With love and support, we elevate, Each other, day by day.For in the warmth of a loving embrace, And the comfort of a listening ear, We discover solace, love, and grace, That erases every fear.So let us cherish those who stand, By our side through thick and thin, For it is in valuing relationships, That true happiness begins.May we nurture and protect, The connections that bring us joy, For in the end, it's the love we collect, That will forever be our buoy.So let us treasure every smile, Every moment shared and spent, For in valuing relationships, Our hearts find true content.
© thekennyadetule