

The Silent Killer.
Standing in front of the mirror, hands roaming around her body.
Her hands touch various parts of her body.
Her eyes screamed disgust at her appearance.
"Hair color is too brown, not like Shade's jet black hair."
"Eye color is too black, not like Jayden's amber ones."
"Thighs are too wide, no man would want me."
Slowly she killed herself with those self deprecating words.

Sitting amongst his friends, he felt uncomfortable.
His eyes scanned their physique, and he was saddened.
He could see their abs bulging beneath their shirts.
But he was too skinny to match their appearance.
He was no woman's dream, he was nothing.
He was ugly, not presentable.
Slowly he killed himself with those self deprecating words.

Walking on the streets, she was being pointed at.
Everybody's fingers accused her of being ugly.
"Bonny, skinny, ugly, flat…" They pointed with disdain.
Her eyes welled up with tears, her mental health collapsed.
Slowly, she died due to body dysmorphia.

Looking at his mates playing football, he was disheartened.
Though talented, he could not get into the soccer team.
"You are too thin, you'll be blown up by the wind."
Slowly, he developed eating disorders and low self-esteem.

Those that are body shamed are killed everyday.
Slowly, they get depressed and anxious.
They hate their bodies and their own existence.
They have no reason to live anymore.
Suicide seems the easiest way to end it all.
So they sojourn on this journey of no return.
They are killed by their thoughts and the opinion of the world around them.
Death seems like a very safe haven from this torture.

Body positivity should be embraced.
Self love should be embedded.
Acceptance of one's self should be of importance.
Be responsible and accountable.
Gratefulness for one's body should be paramount.
Self love is the key to eliminate hatred.

Haiza. 🖤✍️

© Haiza.