

Kai Kai
Fire all around
Turned me black
Ain't wrong
Just some tall gap
Ain't giving a soliloquy
Expect no bribing for magnanimity
Blue is the sky
Too far to reach
But not for me
I do it daily
Talkin' bout your thoughts
That's far too darker to match me
Pause the occult belief
See me as a living creature
Not like forest trees
Don't kill me now for my honesty
Just save it for a comeback answer to give
Know the similarity between your care for other lives and this conversation
Both are unreal
Don't be that imprudent
Let me live in my world freely
Without any barrigations
Just like your stupidity
Isn't that behemoth plea
Atleast smaller than issues of religion
Can't provide you a subpoena
You can't understand my language
I can't speak the language of reparation

© King