

Would you?
If only wishes can come true,
I have one or two or maybe a few,
And they're all about you,
And the things I want us to do.

I'd love to grow old
With you and maybe hold
Your hand in the dark
Passing time in the park

Let silence surround
Our heartbeat's profound,
Let's not say a word
Only our breaths should heard

I'm embarrassed to gaze
In your eyes with no haze
As clear as can be
No trace of uncertainty
Proving that you love me

Make the moon witness
The air of sweetness
Between you and me
And how I wish it would be
Forever, just "we"

For now it's but a dream
Impossible to redeem
But if I continue to hope
Would you still say "nope"?

drawing credits to @JANELLENARVAS
© KJpoetry