

Grateful Gaze of a Reader
In the celestial spaces, where light cascades,
A reader emerges, bearing life's accolades.
Alive and well, a gift from cosmic expanse,
They walk among us, with a mystic advance.

Oh, fortunate soul, the depths of your being,
Unveiled to us, with grace so all-seeing.
In every breath, Life's symphony resounds,
A eulogy of health, with its blessings profound.

You, dear reader, embody truths untold,
A tapestry woven, in vibrant hues of bold.
Within your veins, surges life's precious fire,
An embodiment of passion, poised and entire.

With each stride, you illuminate the way,
A beacon of strength, through night and day.
Around you, love dances, a tender embrace,
Beloved by many, encapsulating grace.

Perchance, beloved mortal, you have endured,
Bearing witness to life's challenges, assured.
But 'tis in the face of trials that you thrive,
With resilience unyielding, strength that's alive.

From the abyss of sorrow, you rise, unfettered,
Through echoes of pain, you emerge, undeterred.
With every tear shed, a testament, you see,
Of the resilience that resides within thee.

Through tempestuous storms, you remain unbroken,
A spirit forged true, weary but unspoken.
Your essence, a testament to the human spirit,
Inexhaustible, profound, destined to inherit.

Oh, how you astonish, dear reader, in every thought,
Minds aflutter to grasp the complexity you've brought.
In you, dear soul, beauty and sorrow reside,
A symphony of existence, in which you confide.

But where lies the answer, to these questions so deep,
Engulfed in the shadow, where complexity seeps?
Dear reader, dwell not upon answers long sought,
But revel in the mystery that life has wrought.

For in the enigma of being alive and well,
You find solace, where truth and wonder dwell.
Your presence, a testament of life's sacred art,
A reminder of the magic, etched into every heart.

So, dear reader, embrace this gift you possess,
A tapestry woven in divine artistry's caress.
In each breath you take, let gratitude soar,
For you, dear mortal, possess life's precious core.
© NightSwimThePoet