

Sinking to darkness 💢
Dark is the night,
Darker the soul,
Fathomless depths,
Stories untold...
Mysteries left,
Until the dawn,
Lifeless body,
Lying in mid of seas,
Lonileness around...
None to summon,
Daring heart,
Fading Heartbeat,
Body shouting for help
But none to hold to...
Sinking slowly a little low,
In depths of the past..
All i can see,
Is the end of dusk,
Everyone running to
their homes...
A pit so deep,
Some humans beings,
Hands so bloody,
Taking me deep,
In my fears-
Cuz i cant face my demons...
Light so dull,
Trying to survive,
Darkness summon-
Taking me deep,
Reaching for my body-
Letting my soul free...
© Ishu.writes❤️