

Puzzle of love..❤️
People say that love is blind ,
I wonder if love is just of one kind..?

They say you don't see the flaws in the one you truly love ,
Can't it be the case that we see and accept the flaws in our love..?

Is it just the game of the heart or the mind ,
How come the love did we find ..?

Is the connection of soul , what we call as love..?
Or is it the connection in thoughts and ideas disguised as love ..

I wonder how" Cupid ", the God of love knows two people are meant for each other ,
Strange is that two people of different opinions and perspectives too fall in love like no other ,

It's not about the "perfect one" but about the "perfect love" ,
They say we" fall in love", but how sweet it would be if we" rise in love ".

© minisoni