

feeling so low I might touch endosphere,
feeling so good, I may starve again,
feeling so much that I can’t even think,
feeling like I would kill the sane and ill.

feeling can guarantee a better life,
feeling can easily turn yourself mad,
feeling is tough, is assumed and unchangable,
feeling breaks us but we ignore for better.

feeling is heal, is observe, is the fighting,
feeling is weakness without any advices,
feeling can make you be little or strong,
feeling is just in hour head, not enough.

feeling is pain, beautiful but exhausting,
feeling is why I blame everything ‘round me,
feeling makes miss what made me feel that happy,
feeling is why I’m fucked up and crumbled up here.

feeling is shine, is smile, is destroy,
feeling has never been just a word,
feeling is just a hurtful kind of drug,
makes you feel better but always end bad .

© Luna Nueva