

Note to the death

Light blue was on every neighborhood,
It was seem murdered was occurre,
The situation remind him to his childhood,
When there's a time he was a son of killer,

Surprisingly he still smiles active,
even the weighty handcuffs on his way,
What was happen to his mind?
Didn't he aftaid the note from the death?

Midnight of innocence souls,
He trumbling in fears of his actions,
But sirens had echoed to the whole neighborhood,
There's no narrow escape anymore,

The smells of blood and revenge,
Just like after American series "Sharp Objects",
He controls his demon inside and hiding,
But today busted when he killed someone,
To the road of " his victory of lust",

After all,
He was dreamed to be innocence since in a young ages,
But being revengeful shaping him into it again,
Holding knifes just like he witness that "sunday night",

He stepped out from the door,
the bar prison welcoming him,
An oranges uniforms everywhere,
And he bowed his head,
Reading the story of "note to the death",

© writerturk