

More Than I'd Ever Imagine
I thought I had made it to the finish line/
In last place against time/
I had reached the end of my rope/
up in A tall Walnut tree/
ironically on A fall day/
My noose tight/
this I know, because I choked.

If you can't beat them join them/
some say/
Forget that/
let them just WIN/
was my thought that very day.

But, "no just wait" /
I could of swore/
I hurd my inner voice say.

The world won't WIN/
and you will show it/
all you got to do is come to me/
I'll lead you back to where you need to be/
I will be your guide and all you will ever need is the faith/
size of A mustard seed.

Suddenly I realized/
it wasn't my conscious/
that was speaking to me/
because my conscious/
at that time/
also wasn't rooting for me.

But I climbed down/
believed that I was not going to be defeated/
Weeks later ditched town/
Found my self in A revelation/

My new home/
I took refuge in the Church of Christ/
then I knew/
it so happened to be God almighty himslef/
who had spoke those very life saving words to me that day up in the tall Walnut tree.

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