

My love My God
My God My trust , My belief, My true love, My life -
I feel you all the time and my emotions are always eager to touch you ,
You stay in a marble temple , best place of my house ,
I offer you fresh flowers with full of colour and brightness
I offer you best fruits and sweets
I offer you best essence to smell
I do all retuals in all aspesious days to keep your presence live,
I pray always from my heart 💜
I distribute prasad to all
I fold my hand in front of you to show my gratitude and respect
When I was child my mother teaches me how to offer puja to you
My father always hold my hand to give me a feel of protection
Now you are my father , I feel still protected in your presence
My parents are no more, now my heart is always looking for you
I never realised that still I am child with my grey hair,
I am internally very weak person and My God is my security and my protection
whenever I feel dipressed you are there to keep me cheerful
when I am unwell you are always besides my bed to bless me to get well,
My belief is like rock , never shaken up for any reason
But one fine morning, my wheels of life start moving reverse
I pray to you repeatedly to hold my wheels
where you are, not coming to save me, not coming out from your temple
My trust is rapidly fading , my belief is going away
I am struggling for my life and close to my last breath.
if you are not having any presence then it's my own creation.
you are my imagination
your physical shape is only a symbol and not having any heeling power,
you are universe and stay inside of all human beings , I realised
you do heeling from inside and activate for those who are having purity of mind and soul
I realised now but no time is there
no more body to hold you
my life energy is weak now and ready to leave my body
if there is any second life after death, I only offer my puja to myself to connect with my universe.
I love my God as I hold my God inside me and respect others who are also form of God.
