

Hail the King!❤️
Unto us a Son is given,
Unto us a child is born,
The government is established,
It increases with no end.

Peace was multiplied,
Yet they didn't acknowledge Him,
He came in a form they didn't expect,
Their mind clouded they rejected Him.

Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of peace,
Messiah, Jesus, Son of God,
Were, is, Will forever be His name.

Give ear, listen and hear,
The gospel He preached,
The miracles He performed,
Many heard, few listened.

At the Lord's supper Judas happened,
At the Garden He accepted God's will,
At Gethsemane kiss of betrayal gave away,
Sanhedrin, Pontius Pilate couldn't find fault.

Peter cried, disciples hid, people rejected Him,
Barnabas received grace, soldiers mocked Him,
Judas couldn't hold the guilt,
John, His friends and family watched in pain.

On the cross the Scriptures were fulfilled,
For three hours darkness took over,
Yet they couldn't discern,
Eli Eli lama sabachthani He yielded His spirit.

The tomb could not hold Him,
The darkness could not hide Him,
In the third day He rose,
Defeated the devil, keys in His hand.

Victory, forgiveness we received,
Salvation, justification we attained,
A marvelous work, a wonder,
Greatest sign of love we experienced.

Who sees us? Who knows us?
We are the choosen generation,
Ho! Everyone who thirsts,
Come to the waters.

Hallelujah! to the King,
Reconciled to God through His death,
Saved from wrath through Him,
Sealed we are by His blood.
© Terry B