

George Floyd
Its really stupid
No parent wants too see their child die or hear that their child is dead
No child wants too find out that her father is dead
No child wants too live without their father
No mother wants too be single
No sibling wants too hear that their own blood brother is dead
No mother wants too hear that the child she carried for nine months is dead
No black wants too hear that their blood is dead
No black wants too find out how a black died harshly
I don't want too see his family sad
I do not want whites racists too treat people like this
I do not want too be depressed over this
I do not want too see a child raised without a father
I do not want too go out of this country knowing that there are rasists
I do not want too cry, but the tears are in my eyes
Another life lost isn't too be sorry for
I do not want too cry because the comfort will be worse
I want too live but why now with this life that is lost
And he said the truth I can't breath
I don't want anybody too lost anyone anymore, this is too bad, sad and cruel too be ignored