

I am a piece of you
I am a collection of memories
Fragments of the past and pieces of today
Every encounter
Every painful moment
Joyful explorations
Anxieties and doubts
Sacred emotions and;
Every experience

I'm a collection of memories
Fragments of two families and pieces of my parents
Their genes
Their culture
Values and upbringing
Their child

I'm a collection of memories
Fragments of you and pieces of the things you teach me
Every emotion
Sexual tension
Silent giggle
Desire to explore
I'm part of you

Because I'm a collection of memories
Fragments of you and pieces of society
You should be conscious of what you invest in me
So when you look at me you see a beautiful piece of art you created
Little bits of the songs u like, the places u love, the tastes you crave and the love u make
Make me into pieces of everything u like
Fragments of only the sweetest memories you cherish
Make me a collection of fragments of perfection!