

Smokes on Curtain
No matter how hard she hide the truth,
There's no way out to convince herself,
No matter how hurt she through,
There's no hope to get out from her scars,

Behind the orange lit curtain,
She saw the rain drop every morning,
And she feeling uncertain about the next day,
How can she face peoples with her scars?

She paid the price once,
And then she never got any exchange,
She had cried with no reason once,
And she never got any cheers to be cured,

She fell on the roof,
the rain drop falls on her top,
And there a chance for her to up,
But slowly she drawn in those bucket,

The charger light had filled once,
And the smoke fill the airs,
But still there's no exchange,
To her cigarette lighter,

They said she smoke,
And she said I'm not,
And what with those proof?
She said it was not for her,
It was all for them,

What is cigarettes?
What is smoke?
What is bucket?
What is lighter ?

Find out the answer,
You know the puzzles,
Which she think ,
They are the one who can answer "it",

© writerturk