

Conflicting Powers
Perpetual explosions spilling on the face of the city. No protection from the storm too vulnerable too weak to endure the missles.

1948 engraved in your brain still forever flying with speed. Like ash.lava. exploding from the mouth of a volcano.

The wilderness is forever visible. The heat of the conflict you are part of. Slowly scorching cooling your insides.

no help. Aid blockade from the enemy has left you starving, Blankets of breathing fog against you. Physically weak like an old lady But

Firearms fire back at the opposition. Like lighning.giving them a taste of the pain. It's ever rooted in your blood passed on to your offsprings.

Hospitals and buildings slaughtered under the weight of the torture. Beaten by the opposition. People exposed in reality

No refuge from weapons. Freedom is ever lurking in the depths of the future. In a tunnel. Illumination is forever visible

© Haul Guma