

Almighty God
God's mercy knows no bounds,
Endless and vast, it surrounds,
A love that's constant, pure and true,
A gift to us, forever shining through.

With compassion, He sees our plight,
And reaches out to guide us to the light,
His forgiveness flows like a river wide,
Washing away our sins, and soothing our pride.

His mercy is a never-ending sea,
Deep and rich, a treasure to see,
A refuge from life's storms and strife,
A safe haven, where we can find new life.

Through His mercy, we find peace and rest,
A sense of calm, that's always best,
A feeling of hope, that never fades,
A love that's infinite, in every way it's made.

God's mercy is a gift, so divine,
A treasure to cherish, all the time,
A reminder of His love so true,
A blessing that's always shining through.

So let us praise, His mercy so grand,
And thank Him for, His loving hand,
That guides us, through life's joys and fears,
And fills our hearts, with laughter and tears.
© Becky_