

As I looked into my action
Through my deep imagination
At that moment I make decision
To amend my reaction

My preparation is so low
And the grade is not be borrow
As I found myself in sorrow
That's the results of my rotten sow

The garden is so sweet
But for those who totally submit
Not for those who go astray
And their deeds as been decay

I think less of the death
All I knew was to acquired wealth
With this gifted health
Both gives me warmth

I don't for once feel weary
When I am with my deary
I always pay ransom
For all encountered handsome

I am single
But I mingle
Found among the singers
And herd of dancers

I suppose to live in domesticity
But I prefer complexity
I don't want inferiority
Then I cater for superiority

From Dawn to dust
Trip around like a ghost
I forgot there is accountability
For all my activity

I am a being of famous
And no sides if rumours
Though my popularity
Leads me to publicity

I thank my Creator
Who sent the Orator
The twister if affairs
Who makes me awared of my unfairs

All adorations and praise
Due to none except Him with Grace
He changed my heartbroken mystery
To a memorable history.

...... DOC IDRIS

© Bello Babatunde Idris