

"The Dance of Fire and Ice."

Within our souls, both fire and ice reside,
Two elements, in harmony, collide.
A blaze of passion, fierce and bright,
Illuminates the darkest night.

Yet, in the stillness, ice does form,
A calmness in the eye of storm.
It cools the flame, a gentle touch,
Reminds us not to crave too much.

In moments wild, our hearts ignite,
With dreams that soar to endless height.
But when the fervor starts to wane,
The icy calmness soothes the pain.

For in this dance of heat and chill,
We find our strength, we bend our will.
Both fire and ice, they shape our fate,
In balance lies our truest state.

So let the fire within you burn,
And to the ice, at times, return.
Embrace the dual nature's art,
For both reside within your heart.


I hope you enjoyed the poem!
© inspirelink