

I don't know how much longer I can live like this. The more people I invite into my life I end up making them dislike me. The more people I help the more I get burnt off. Why do I even try any more it's not like anyone cares. I need to leave everyone out of my sad and pathetic life. I try to act like I'm not in pain and that I don't wanna cry 24/7 but words can set the tears off. The more I hold the longer I cry. The more I feel the more I think. Why that's my question why does it hurt so bad. Its painful to be me and the fact that nobody will ever understand that it's painful. Nobody is ever gonna care about what I feel or what I go through, because it's not like it matters. It's not like I'm ever gonna find someone that actually cares about me for me. Everyone uses me for something even my family and my best friends use me. I don't feel good enough for anything not even love. I don't feel like I deserve love, because of the people I put in my life. I'm not gonna lie I need a hug. I need someone to say it's gonna be okay. I need someone to hold all night while I poor my heart out, because that's something I would do for my friends. I need someone to love me back, but I guess I don't deserve that either. Do I deserve anything? That's my question. Will anybody ever love me for me