

"she is so pretty i think i'll save her for later"
he thought to himself as he watched the girl with
the pretty pearls dance in twirls
he had been with many girls, and he knew it
but those were just the kind of girls he'd stain his bedsheets with
and in the morning he'd wash any trace of them away as if he had not stripped them of their lace the previous day
so when he saw this pretty girl dance
he marveled in her beauty
she was a work of art
he knew that to conserve it
he'd have to do his part and not touch the tapestry
he was told pretty girls like her
are the ones you'd marry, not the ones you'd stain your bedsheets with
he gritted his teeth, aware he shouldn't be bold
and just do as told
to instead do her the favor
of just simply saving her for later
that's what a gentleman would do
yet he was impatient and immature, not blind
he was neither a man nor gentle
so when he trembled at the sight of her
he surely knew he was not kind
his next steps were a blurr
so when his hands took her wrists
as he leaned in for a kiss
he thought that
"she is so pretty
i do not want to save her
for what is pretty
if not to be savored"
© notfortress