

We can all relate

poem is for all of us,
Sitting at home,
Scroll the page down,
The truth is gonna be nasty,
But I beg you,
To please continue.

Remeber the time where,
War was here?
The Nazis who stormed,
Into our homes,
Who deprived,
Woman of their maidenhood and,
Killed people for fun?

What's the difference now,
When instead,
Of guns,
We use words,
Sharpened by our tongues,
Stabbing into each others,
Different coloured skin?

Our mind is our own poisonous world,
Our words,
Screaming out,
Words that we cannot hear,
I'm sorry if this poem doesn't rhyme,
Its what I note,
And observe everyday.

I may be tiny,
But my mind is large,
I see but never speak,
They call me a loner,
But that's what they say,
And I can see,
At their expense,
That I can't help laughing,
Who's in the wrong.

Black lives matter,
So do yellow,
Or whatever skins we have

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