

The Barter for the Unknown
I was strong, that strength appeared wrong. It made me feel to over belong. Confidence from breathlessness. Over confidence could be once undoing, an end from strengthening intents yet killing with spite. Don't be too believing it makes truths stupid and lies powerful. I have taken my hunting attires and attributes, but my bow seems heavy and my arrow too short. I just used it a day ago and now it is as tho I used ages past. I was oblivious in my thinking and believed in the evitable for too long thinking it was inevitably impossible. It is said when a warrior hopes on his sword the most he losts his leg skills and when he ploys the leg skills the most he losses his sword skill. In fact, my point is never give up on who you are and what makes you what you are running for what you shouldn't else one day you will look to the little things of yesterday and realize they are gigantic now and your giantes has now made them monstrous. It is either to be due and sured for you or it is dim your strength and weaken your might. There is great strength in little things and greater power nothing. Fear what you don't know, it has one thing against yet above you and that is the power of illiteracy on them. Knowledge has legs but no mouth to speak but with a head to outwit and only the clever will know there way out of the for granted bush. For granted means useless yet they are looked up on when there worlds intertwine in yours. Look down on nothing, look high of nothing, a miss in sight on any can erupt disbalance and derupt your perception on either

Be equal with every, Equity attracts pride, search for Honor. Equality is the power to feel at home in a strange land

© Onyemaechi Okeke