

Ted Talk
Ted wakes up and jumps out of bed
Glaring at the mirror as he notices the pimples on face and the bruises on his neck from being choked by his father,
I mean,
Being bullied in school for not being cool or being hit by his mother,
For being too stupid to use a power tool but Ted glares at the window
He sees the tattoos on his torso and wrists that he made with his knife and when someone asks if he’s cutting himself he just looks confused and says,
“No! These are my tattoos!”
“See? This one represents the leather belt going across my back when I upset my dad!
This one represents all the times I’ve been called stupid, dumb, and retarded in school because I was slow to process things unlike everyone else
This one is for every time my mom or dad beat me and I don’t know what I did or didn’t do and I’ll constantly ask and they’ll constantly beat me,
I’ll constantly cry and they’ll keep beating me
I’ll beg them to stop and they’ll keep beating me but no way would I self harm because I’m a man and men don’t cry and they don’t do dumb shit like cut themselves because they’re depressed and feel unloved,
Ted glares into the mirror and his eyes fill with a tsunami of tears
His fathers size 15 boot kicks a hole through the door
The look of disappointment and failure on his fathers face,
Painted a vivid picture of blood and gore that not even Edgar Allen Poe could write despite how amazing he was
Ted glares at the mirror as he sees his father running towards him,
Fists clenched tight as they dream of being wrapped around his neck, tighter than a noose knot,
Teds crying and his nose is full of snot
Ted kept yelling,
His dad kept running and Ted turned around,
Ted dropped the gun and glared into the mirror as the cops busted in with their guns drawn and tried to get Ted to talk but we all should know by now that,
Nobody ever listens to Ted talks

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