

What has happened to us ?
Did you not feel like I loved you too much
Didn't you feel like my love for you getting toxic
Didn't you feel like I hung around you too much
Didn't you feel like I interfered a bit too much
Didn't I feel like you never cared
Didn't I bring out words- too sharp ..
Didn't I feel like I never got it all enough
Didn't I get mad at you when you said you wanted space
The you and I questions getting done ..
let me talk about the beautiful thing - 'Us' .....
Were we not happy when we fell for each other and confessed it ...
Were we not too glad when we had each other alongside our problems..
Were we not terming each day and night beautiful for us atleast...
Were we not occupying cloud nine when we kissed for the first time in our lives ...
Were we not happy at all times we were together.... weren't we ?
Then where goes this love ..
all of a sudden....
Didn't it vanish ...
Now let me ask you..
Where is our love again !
And why aren't we running behind catching and capturing it ?
Have the WE thing vanished too ??