

I am a mess....(part-2)
Leave me alone in ths dark,I'll thrive
Give me spotlight for being person I am not?you will be in my gyve
I may look sweet and innocent on the outside
Nobody has a clue about what goes in my mind inside
I may not speak much or anything at all
But get on my nerve?it will be your downfall
Tell me to speak more and connect
with others
My reply?Want to feel my dagger along your throat when I slaughter?
See,I am not a bad person
It's just because this world is different in my vision
Helping the ones really in need doesn't make me altruistic
You believe in world being fair?then prepare for your downfall as this world will be cruel and sadistic
I don't get involved in any vague argument
Because its atleast fun to watch them fighting like animals in parliament
After reading all this,if you have
I hope it hasn't come out as a baff
© smile 101