

Scared to let you come close
I am scared to let you come close.
The closer, the clearer you'll see me.
If chosen between an angel or a demon,
The fallen angel will be me.

I am scared to let you come close.
There are too many scars and blemishes.
On the outside I may seem perfect,
But one only sees what he wishes.

I am scared to let you come close.
You might leave if you see my true face.
My lack of effort may hurt you too much,
Blame the heart of stone in my case.

I am scared to let you come close.
You'll be looking at disappointment.
I can't keep you forever from someone,
Who can give you more love at any moment.

That doesn't mean that I don't love you.
I love you so much that I let you go.
I let you go to someone who'll make you more happy.
So happy, that I hope you completely forget me.
© Rishita