

"Dear Momma..."
This day has been a long time coming...
To let go of the past and
stop the tapes from running.

I'm all grown up now,
over 3 decades have gone by,
I have yet to break down..
and let myself cry..

Soon after the divorce
You found a new lover ,
He moved in
no longer were you my mother

You started with the pills
never enough bite,
turned to the needle
morning, noon and night.

His abuse, both physical and mental, I tookl without shedding a tear..
I promised myself not to cry
or show him any fear..

It was the love of my mom
that had been taken from me
for this I hated him
and wanted him to see..

The abuse continued
and the state moved in..
Gave you a choice..
and you choose him.

In my eyes
I wasent enough,
You loved him more...
This cut like a knife
the pain felt to my very core.

What sucks is the cycle lived on.
I followed your lead
now who's to blame??
My kids now bleed.

I know now ...
what I wish I knew then..
Mom's make mistakes too