

I sat there, uncomfortably. 4 small grey, buckets sat in the corner of the room filling to the brim with mouldy water. 2 tall men stood infront of the door guarding it like the Crown Jewels. they wore baggy black clothes. they stood there glaring into my eyes, my face black and blue. the door opens up, the boss walks through.
“right I will ask u one last time, do you know where she is?” he asked impatiently.
“for the last time, no I don’t she ran off without me” I say. his face drops, he walks closer to me and crouches down in front of me.
“I know your lying to me and u will soon crack.” he gets up and walks out of the room. the two men walk out with him. one of them comes back and whispers in my ear.
“ run, they are going to kill you, here is the key.” he passes me the key to the window. I quickly get up but wonder why he is helping me. I lift up the window and climb through it. I run into the woods. gunshots echo through the woods. i stop and look back. through the window the two men stood infront of a dead body. they look up and lock eyes with mine. one points at me. I run faster then ever.

2 years past and no one had heard of the boy that got lost in the woods.
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