

Loving me
I appear strong because I don't want to be judged by others,
I smile every time I'm with you even in an awkward situation because I don't want you to know about the shit I'm going through,
I'm independent because I don't wanna trouble others,
Everything you see is just the person I made up for you,
You don't know the real me,
I was never this weak,
I was never a quiet and depressed person,
I was never a humble dog who didn't know how to fight back even when I was at my limit,
I used to be a lively, talkative, and funny person,

Funny thing,
I can't even stop the feeling that I have in my heart,
I can't let go of the love I have for you,
I look at you, my shirt soaking with tears,
The man I love, looking at someone else,
That warm look would have been mine,
Begging me to let him go,
Who is gonna love me them?
Picture perfect of the family I once dreamed of is now shattered into tinny little pieces that I can't put together no matter how hardworking I am,
I did nothing wrong to deserve this,
If loving someone to death is considered a sin then I will be a sinner,
I loved him with every ouche of my soul, body, and spirit,
Why am I the one who has to bear the cruel outcome?

"Can you forgive me?"
He said looking at me emotionless,
Long gone was the hearts and a warm smile,
Why does it have to be me?
Why do I have to sacrifice my happiness for other's sake?
Why me?
All my feelings and my efforts for the past couple of years were defeated,
I was a loser,
"You and him aren't a perfect match anyway. Give him to me."
I gazed at the bitch,
Giving me a murderous smile,
She had won.
"Sure, a couple of trash and dustbin,"
I uttered wiping the tears away from my face,
This was beyond being shameless,
I didn't see the reason to hold on any longer,
I was at my limit,
I rather die by the feelings I have for him than keep myself with him,
I rather die a heart attack than keep myself entangled with him,
I will leave you,
I will let you go,
I will learn to live without you,
I'm loving me.
© Earth