

Nature's sad canvas
Into the flames rising out of a setting sun,
I draw in a deep breath before I run...
I turn to see the sky burning with rage,
Throwing its anger, in a fiery-coloured page,
I look at how things have changed in a moment,
As the air fills with an earthly scent,
My eyes wonder, and I tremble,
Here the trees sway, I hear them rumble,
The sky, who seemed home to life
Now has turned dark, with huge clouds as its knife,
Pointing at the endangered mankind,
Painting destruction on the canvas of the mind,
Yes, she has warned us so many a time,
Yet, we don't care to pay heed,
Now's not the time to blame Mother Earth,
Listening and following her commands is the time's need,
The flames drop once again as they use to do,
The silent night calls my soul, in the canvas's sad hue
It calls me,
It calls you,
It calls the entire mankind,
In a sad hue....