

The spiral
What if your every thought had the same starting and ending point?
Like a circle.

Practically, theory is useless when you jump into every action with blank thought.
Blank background.

Like forcing your self with open arms.

Almost same energy trading through each point of your body.
Like a veil, free falling.
Mental gravity suits the picture.

You are free falling in hopes of someone grabbing ahold of you.

There is a moment that you end up on the floor.

He let go.

Your vanity picks up your lying body with insightful precision and strength.
Like your point is to face the floor and then have to sit straight up again.

The void in the thought.
The vanity.
The lack of motivation.

Is it better to fill or feel the void?
Instinctive guiding is inherent.
Sentimental one is the flavour of life.