

Are you unaware?
Are you unaware of the lives you ruin,
The time that passes,
This world you wreck.
Are you unaware of the people who die,
The people who cry,
The people who wish they never had this life?
Are you unaware of all the pain you cause,
Making it so we don't have rights,
So we don't have safely,
So we don't want to live.
Are you unaware that some of these people are your kids,
Your nephews and neices,
Your siblings,
Uncles and aunts,
That one nice cashier who greets you everyday with an enthusiastic smile.
Are these the people you wish to die?
Are these the people who you wish to take away rights?
The ones you wish to make cry, maybe even die?
Are these the people the people you want to hurt?
Each death you cause will go on in a string,
One person down,
Down goes another,
So on and so forth.
You cause pain you didn't even know was there,
Killing the people around you just because you thought it was wrong,
What's so wrong with being ourselves?
So what were weird and out of your norm?
We haven't damaged you,
No harm has been done.
Stop throwing your stones at us,
At I'm talking literally,
You've stoned us to death!
How many lives of ours have you taken?
How many deaths were by your hand alone?
How many deaths did you encourage, willingly or not?
How many lives?
No no,
Please tell me!
I'm curious to hear,
How many deaths have we caused?
How many cis and straight lives have we taken from you?
How many,
No no,
Please tell me!
We're all human,
Are you unaware?
Are you unaware that we share the same air?
The same resources and planet?
Why should we be any less deserving of our birth given right to live as we please when we cause no harm?
Please tell me why we are so wrong.

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